3 Areas To Choose Quality Over A Bargain In Your Home
Written by Grace – Oct 19, 2020
It may be a bargain, but is it quality?
Going through the process of renovating an older home to building a brand new one is most certainly a fun transition. If you remember, our first home back in Virginia was from the 1980’s that had it’s fair share of repairs and remodels. I loved that house and you can find out more here of what we did! Through all of our repairs, remodeling, and fixing up we learned one thing – make sure what you choose is of QUALITY! I have learned that if either you’ll have to pay for the lack of quality upfront or pay for it in the long run. As much as a great bargain catches my eye, I’ve learned there are 3 areas you should always choose quality over a bargain.
We have made our share of mistakes along the way in efforts to save money. Truth is we all know it is not easy staying within budget. Unless you are on HGTV, then anything is possible. With that said, when we began the building process of our current home, quality was on the top of the list. Though we could not have top end items everywhere, we made sure that certain areas had the absolute best.
After narrowing down those areas, Mike and I realized the spaces that we spend the most time in were priority. That may be the case for you! I encourage you to create a list and prioritize where to spend your money. Will investing in new floors bring better quality to your home or will a great kitchen be the heart of your space? Only you can decide!
What will enhance your home experience?
So, whether you are renovating or building here are 3 areas of your home you want to choose quality over a bargain every time:
- The Kitchen: Yes, you guessed it! Your kitchen is hands down the one area in your home that you want to ensure there is quality. From the cabinets, appliances, and the countertops make sure it is all quality that will last. Did I mention especially the countertops?
In our new build we have quartz countertops which is extremely durable, does not stain, and does not require a seal. They are the perfect low maintenance solution for anyone with kids for sure!
A great place for outstanding countertops is Click Countertops, based out of Alpharetta, GA! With over 20 years of experience and a network of certified and experienced craftsmen, they are committed to save you time, money, and headaches. With Click Countertops their system allows you to choose every detail and understand the process completely. So if you’re choosing Quartz countertops in Alpharetta they have you completely covered!
Invest in high traffic areas
- Flooring: When we started building our home, we kept our two dogs in mind. With large breed boxers, our floors can easily take a beating. For our current home, we opted to install laminate flooring in our main areas – keeping carpet to a minimum. Since there is not a basement our high traffic area is on the main level.
There’s a lot to choose from with so many options for flooring these days. From laminate to tile, you can really find what works best for your family. For us, the water-resistant, high traffic, and seamless laminate was the preferred option. Whatever your flooring choices make sure it is low maintenance, easy clean up, and not easily scratched is a must.
- Appliances: With new homes you can choose for the builder to install all appliances. Be sure to look into what is provided and invest into appliances that are worth it. Having our fair share of repairs on washers, dryers, and even washing machines – do not skip on quality.
Researching and comparing appliances is even easy to do right from home! So instead of having to travel from store to store, search for top rated appliances and narrow down your options. Look at the longevity of each appliance as well as the reviews. Most importantly, make sure you have a solid warranty!
Though these were our top areas of focus for our current home, I know that as our family grows it will change. However, Mike and I know that wherever we live the quality of our home is number one.
Graciously Woven
Creatively Living With Grace